Thursday, 26 November 2020

Some proven tips to recognize Sleeping problems

Do you find it nerve-wracking to sleep and then wake up the next day extremely tired? Well, you might be going through a sleeping problem or sleeping disorder. Mentioned are some tips and tricks to know whether you have a sleeping disorder or not.

Stress or frequent disruption tonight sleep- Sometimes a person is facing worst due to ongoing stress. A good night easily gets affected by such reasons and we all face this kind of episode many times in our life. In many cases, lifestyle changes or daily routine can be the reason. However, if you are going through a sleeping problem regularly. There are chances that you are suffering from a sleeping disorder.

Ignoring sleeping problems can become a major issue for you to live in. Because it doesn't only affect your sleep-walk cycle but also Impacts mental health, and physical health. It can result in frequent mood swings, energy levels, and the ability to handle stress. Sidelining such issues might escort substantial issues in your life like deteriorating performance, no stress-management, weight gain, and as worse as an accident. Therefore it's extremely crucial to have a good nighttime sleep and perform your best. Good quality sleep is not a luxury one can achieve, it's a necessity one can have. There have been enlightened cases in which a person is not able to sleep and next wake up tired. Again, in the night feel exceedingly tired but could doze off. These frequent bouts can become a serious issue.  However, there are many tips and tricks which can help you identify your sleeping problem and other disorders.

 Symptoms of an emerging sleeping

So ho would you figure out that if your sleeping problem is just a minor issue or it's a disorder. Well, you need to scrutinize your schedule, especially during the day. You need to keep a check on your sleeping routine and see if you are falling asleep in the daytime. Mentioned below are some of the legitimate questions you must ask yourself-

feeling sleepy, tired, and irritated throughout the day?

Facing difficulty to even sit properly while binge-watching, sitting on a couch, or attending an important meeting.

·         Face trouble while driving

·         Unable to concentrate on small things.

·         Often find it difficult to control the emotions.

·         Reacting slowly to things around.

·         Always require caffeinated drinks to keep working throughout the day.

·         Feel like having small naps every day.

These were some signs that would help you know about your current sleeping status. Although, if you're facing any of them regularly, you need to check it medically.

Some common sleeping disorders you be aware

Insomnia-  Unable to fall asleep in the night frequently can lead you to major insomnia. It's a condition where you don't fall asleep and wakes up abruptly in the morning. The main cause behind insomnia could be stress, jet lag, health issues, and the amount of caffeine a person is consuming on daily basis.

Whatever the cause may be but maintaining a sleepwalk progression, having a good sleep environment,  reminding yourself of having adequate sleep, and keeping a screen away from sleeping rooms could work wonders for insomnia in a person.

Sleep Apnea- it's a common sleeping disorder in which a undergoes disrupted breathing patterns while sleeping. The whole episode of sleep apnea can be treated easily although it can be life-threatening at times. Breathing disruption might not wake you up but you will feel irritated, tired, and sleepy the very next day. To avoid such sleeping problems a person must go through a legitimate test and maintain a good sleep-walk cycle.



Thursday, 19 November 2020

Best sleeping position tips that can help your spine

The spine is a crucial part of the body, which is the reason you need to deal with it. Issues in the spine can prompt handicaps and weakening impacts that can last forever. When dozing, a few people are really not aware of the conceivable harm that they can do to their spine. The sort of furniture you're snoozing, the resting position, the pads and bedding can improve or decline your spinal wellbeing. 

best sleeping position

Keeping up Good Spine Alignment 

The spine has a few minor ebbs and flows that must be appropriately kept up whether or not you're resting, standing or strolling. Misalignment can prompt agony, inconvenience, aggravation and injury. When dozing, observe the guidelines underneath: 

  • Rest on your back or on your side 

  • Somewhat twist your hips and knees 

  • Use lower back help and knee uphold 

  • Search for appropriate padding 

  • Inhale appropriately and unwind 

Best Sleeping Position to Assume for Optimal Spinal Health 

  • When resting on your side, spread out one arm aside. The hips and legs must be flexed and adjusted. The upper leg may cause a slight turn in the pelvis and builds the strain in the lower back so place a cushion between the knees and thighs to offer help. 

  • When dozing in a recumbent position, put a moved towel or lengthened pad under the lower back for help to keep up the correct bend of the lumbar spine. 

  • Try not to rest in an inclined situation as this causes exorbitant compressive power on the lower back and neck. 

  • Search for pads that are firm, agreeable and offer sufficient help. The bed sleeping cushion should likewise be firm enough. Dodge extremely delicate beddings that mutilate your spine arrangement as you rest. 

Other Sleeping Tips 

  • See how you inhale before you rest. A few people experience trouble breathing since they don't accept the correct spine arrangement around evening time. 

  • Figure out how to unwind through visual incitement, symbolism and your best sleeping position. Practice reflection 10 minutes before you rest. 

  • You can likewise have a back rub comfortable or attempt treatments like needle therapy and pressure point massage to calm weight focuses and improve flow all through the back and spine. 

  • Rest will be more soothing around evening time while going for a back rub previously. Drink a glass of milk or water prior to dozing and discharge your bladder for continuous rest. 

  • Likewise observe how your head is situated as you rest. The head ought to be lined up with the spine to forestall torment and injury.

Monday, 9 November 2020

ResMed’s WakeUpToGoodSleep informs about the Importance of Good Sleep

Nowadays, you will come across millions of Indians that are suffering from sleeping disorders, with the majority of them being unnoticed. Sccording to a 2019 Lancet Respiratory Medicine study, Over one million Indians suffer from sleep apnea alone. Left untreated, sleeping disorders have detrimental consequences on our mental and physical well-being including heart attacks, diabetes, depression, amongst others, making it imperative to raise awareness on sleeping disorders.

Good Sleep

The WakeUpToGoodSleep campaign aims to raise awareness amongst consumers and doctors about the health benefits and importance of good sleep. As part of the campaign, ResMed launched a short educational film that showcases sleep apnea, a relatively unknown sleep disorder, and its effects such as fatigue, irritability, mental stress, and even traffic accidents, to reiterate the importance of a good night’s sleep.

To ensure patients and how to get good sleep, ResMed has likewise has installed a sleep coach assistant service, comprising of a group of coached who distantly manage patients through each progression of their excursion to more readily rest. Administrations incorporate rest apnea discovery by means of a home rest test, helping patients determined to have rest apnea comprehend the treatment alternatives accessible, for example, a CPAP (consistent positive aviation route pressure), and in any event, directing patients through issue free establishment of gadgets and giving the most ideal proposals on gadgets, including EMI plans for gadgets.

To also drive sleep awareness, education and how to sleep at night amongst the medical fraternity, ResMed has been conducting web-education series in association with some of the most prominent sleep experts in the country.

About Five to ten percent of Indians suffer from sleep disorders but are unaware of it and its impact on their health. We as humans spend one-third of our lifespan sleeping, highlighting that its purpose goes beyond regular rest. It allows the body to heal, essentially contributing to one’s overall physical mental, and emotional well-being. It is increasingly important to drive sleep awareness so that everyone considers sleep health as an important factor for overall wellbeing and recognize the association with other medical disorders. The awareness can be achieved with training sessions for doctors, public awareness campaigns, and sleep coach assistance.



Some proven tips to recognize Sleeping problems

Do you find it nerve-wracking to sleep and then wake up the next day extremely tired? Well, you might be going through a sleeping problem or...